The Great Sphinx of the Louvre museum
Tilapia fish, Ichthus and monogram emblem of the early Christians
Egypt in the time of Joseph
Mastaba, Bible and immortality of the soul
The convent of Sainte - Catherine and biblical manuscript
Goddess Maat carrying the ankh
The decorated Sistrum on the head of the goddess Hathor in Louvre museum
Osiris with her son Horus, Apis and Tammuz
The Book of the Dead anonymous and immortality of the soul
Egyptian medicine versus Biblical medecine
Incense, Catholic and Egyptian ritual
Ram\'s mummy and egyptian polytheism
Isis nursing Horus , Virgin and Child and cult of mother goddesses
The “Seated Scribe” of the Louvre museum
King Akhenaten and monotheism
Triad of Osorkon II and concept of Trinity
Amulet in the Name of Darius I
Skeleton Cups, ephemeral present or eternal future?
Janus Head and New Year\'s Day.
Handled Mirror of polished metal
Egypt in the Bible, exact details
Pig Sacrifice and Hanukkah
Artemis of Ephesus and mother-goddess figures.